Part 4 OBASANJO’S SPIRITUALIZED POLITICS AT 87 AND ADEBOYE’S POLITICALIZED SPIRITUALITY AT 82—Contrasting Political Albatross of the Angel in Devil’s clothing and the Devil in Angel’s Clothing
Nwankwo T. Nwaezeigwe, PhD, DD
Odogwu of Ibusa
President, International Coalition against Christian Genocide in Nigeria (ICAC-GEN)
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Part 4
When the Arab Muslim General and conqueror of Byzantine Christina Egypt Amr ibn al-Āṣ faced the massive Byzantine army of Egypt with only about 4000 soldiers at the battle of Heliopolis, at the site of the present site of the city of Cairo in 640 AD, his confidence in victory was not founded on the strength of his army but on the discord among the Byzantine army and sabotage of the Egyptian Coptic Christians, who were promised better lives than under their Christian rulers of the same faith. Amr ibn al-As had lived in Alexandria for ten years and in the process succeeded in courting the friendship of many Coptic Christian leaders and some Government officials, including military officers who saw the Byzantine Christian leaders as oppressors.
Thus when they saw him at the head of the Prophet Muhammad’s army approaching their country, some of these Christian and political leaders opted to collaborate with him against their own Christian rulers. The result was that the Byzantine Christian army was defeated and Amir ibn al-As took over the country and slaughtered those he desired to slaughter, enforced compulsory conversion to Islam, outlawed the Greek and indigenous Pharaonic languages and introduced Arabic language as the only official and native language, leaving only a handful of Coptic Christians to lead the miserable life of minorities in their ancestral land till date.
Let us situate the Egyptian Coptic Christian experience with the roles of Pastor Enoch Adeboye and other Nigerian Christian leaders in relation to Muhammadu Buhari’s emergence in 2015 as Nigeria’s President and see what Nigeria as a nation in general and Christians in particular have reaped from the point of Muhammadudu Buhari’s purgatorial experience to the present hellish experience of Bola Ahmed tinubu. It is also essential to point out that Pastor Enoch Adeboye was not alone on this road to Philistine conspiracy against the body of Christ in Nigeria. Pastor Tunde Bakare, Pastor Sunday Adelaja and the Roman Catholic Church leadership in Nigeria also effectively played this devious role of Judas Iscariot.
On 5th of August 2015 Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okogie granted an interview to newsmen at his residence in Lagos for the exclusive purpose of drumming up support for Muhammadu Buhari’s election against the incumbent Christina President, Goodluck Jonathan. In his opinion, the Cardinal stated:
“He [Buhari] is not a stupid man, he is not a fool and one thing I know he has in his head is that, he is no more a soldier so he has to take his time to make sure that things go the way they should go.”
He went further to conclude:
“You know when you are entering a new job, you don’t rush; you got to take your time, because if you do not take your time you make a lot of mistakes. And right at his inauguration, he even mentioned it that the ground is rough; so he has to take his time to correct these things; I think that is what he is trying to do. Don’t you see what he is doing now with the Boko Haram, he is meeting all the Head of States and that thing cannot just take one second or one day or one week, he is going to win them over.”
It should be recalled that immediately after President Buhari’s election, Cardinal Okogie again asked for prayers for the unrepentant Fulani Dictator-General turned emergency democrat. In his words:
“I reassure the president-elect of our prayers and spiritual solicitude, we look forward to seeing a president that will be the Nelson Mandela and the Le Kuan Yew of Nigeria.”
Today, Nigerians have attested to the type of Nelson Mandela and Le Kuan Yew Cardinal Anthony Okogie bequeathed to them. Today Nigerians have also listened to Pastors Enoch Adeboye and William Kumuyi calling for similar prayers for Alhaji Bola Ahmed Tinubu.
It is also an incontrovertible fact that the leadership of Roman Catholic Church organized “Episcopal” Town Hall Meeting between Muhammadu Buhari and representatives of the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria led by Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama at Abuja, then President of Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, in their unholy bid to force a Christian President out of power in place of a murderous Muslim Fulani jihadist. The same Roman Catholic Church sired Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka of the infamous Enugu-based Adoration Ministry to sing political funeral for President Jonathan in his infamous sermon on Adoration Mount “From Goodluck to Badluck Jonathan” on January 1, 2015.
Additionally, John Cardinal Onaiyekan tells us that he is the co-chairman of Nigerian Inter-Religious Dialogue with the Sultan of Sokoko; while Bishop Matthew Kukah tells he is the Chairman of CAN Committee on Dialogue. Nigerians are still waiting with salivation expectation to see how their Dialogues have resolved the intractable murderous activities of Muslim jihadist in different garbs. There is therefore no denying the fact that Nigerians are in the present states of political hocus-pocus, economic quagmire and spiraling insecurity because of the ungodly decisions of Pastor Enoch Adeboye and these ungodly men of Nigeria’s Roman Catholic leadership.
Like Esau selling his birthright for a mess of porridge, Pastor Adeboye sold the birthright of the body of Christ in Nigeria for a second-hand helicopter. For sabotaging President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian President; Pastor Enoch was compensated with a second-hand helicopter—an Agusta Westland AW139 chopper with registration number 5N-EAA in September 2020, in the manner of Judas Iscariot being compensated with 30 pieces of silver for betraying Our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as God considered the acts of Judas Iscariot, including the 30 pieces of silver a reproach unto him, so God considered the acts of Pastor Enoch Adeboye reproach unto him. Just as God forced Judas Iscariot to throw away the 30 pieces of silver in reproachable regret, God equally converted the helicopter into insurmountable burden unto Pastor Enoch Adeboye.
In less than one year after the purchase of that reproachable helicopter, precisely in April 2021, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) suspended the helicopter from flying for expired documents and spare parts. What could be more reproachable for a General Overseer of a Church as widely spread as Coca-Cola to abdicate his civic-economic responsibility of paying all his due taxes both personal and property, as demanded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he commanded his disciples to give unto Caesar who belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God?
God also imposed an insurmountable maintenance burden upon him; in which the monthly cost of maintaining the helicopter was approximated at 300, 000 thousand U.S. dollars, while the Navigational charges for one month stood at 50, 000 U.S. dollars. He was eventually forced by Our Lord Jesus Christ to throw it away in the manner of Judas Iscariot throwing away the 30 pieces of silver he obtained as proceeds for betraying Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of selling it off in September 2021. Like Judas Iscariot committing suicide for his acts of reproach, short of taking Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s life for such iniquitous transgression, God decided to take the life of his eldest son, Pastor Dare Adeboye within the same interval, precisely on May 4, 2021.
It should be recalled that one year and two months after Muhammadu Buhari’s inauguration as President, precisely on July 2016, a female preacher of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and mother of seven Mrs. Eunice Olawale Elisha was murdered in cold-blood while preaching within the Gbazango-West suburb of Kubwa, Abuja, by Muslim assailants. Pastor Adeboye’s concluding prayer for the soul of the departed poor woman during his condolence visit was “We are not asking for justice, we are only praying that you will save their souls. It will be glorious if they can come and testify that ‘before we were murderers, but now, we are pastors.’” We are yet to ascertain how many Muslim murderers of innocent and defenseless Nigerian Christians have reported to Pastor Adeboye’s Church to confess their murderous acts or be ordained pastors.
All these happened because of the greediness of one man who, against his ordination as God’s Overseer has decided to place worldliness above the principles of his calling. Because Bishop David Oyedepo had a helicopter, Pastor Adeboye also wanted to have his; as if both men have the same calling. But God told him no! And to prove this stance, God made him to ride in Bishop Oyedepo’s helicopter when the Federal Civil Aviation grounded his ill-fated helicopter.
Bishop David Oyedepo, while not acclaiming him as a perfect man of God, because no one is indeed perfect before God except Jesus Christ, was personally called with a direct sense of divine duty founded on fearlessness in dispensing his chosen word of God; whereas Pastor Enoch Adeboye who only joined Redeemed Christian Church of God in 1973, was carnally commissioned by the founder of the Church Rev Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi as his interpreter from which position he clandestinely manipulated himself as his successor after his death in 1981 in the name of receiving Rev Akindayomi’s blessings before his death.
Today the same Church has become his family property with his now eldest son Pastor Leke Adeboye who doubles as his Personal Assistant, not only behaving as the shadow General Overseer, like Seyi Tinubu behaving as the shadow President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, but being positioned as his unquestionable successor.
A man of chameleonic character, clandestine subtlety and outward spiritual showmanship, with queer carriage of pious dispositions, Pastor Adeboye professes not to be a Politician whereas he reaps deeply from ungodly political clients. In April 1, 2023, he was reported to have uttered one of the most unholy lies ever to be heard from him. In his words: “Hear it with anointed ears, I am not and I will never be a politician. I am called to be a Pastor.” Who is a politician if we may ask? From the plethora of definitions let us take three precise summaries.
According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a politician is “someone who is skilled at dealing with people or using the situation within an organization to gain an advantage.” On the other hand, defines a politician as “someone who holds a government office or finds other ways to influence law and public policy.” While defines a politician as, “A person actively engaged in politics, esp. party politics, professionally or otherwise; often, a person holding or seeking political office. One who deceives or outmaneuvers others for personal gain; a person skilled or experienced in practical politics or political science; a politically active or interested person; [and] a sly or ingratiating person.”
Let us therefore see from the following episodes how Pastor Enoch Adeboye will extricate himself from the garb or stigma of a politician.
Baring the fact that he was privy to the satanic emergence of President Muhammadu Buhari, he cannot deny the fact that he was commissioned officially as the spiritual Christian guardian of that Government of Amalekites, by Amalekites and for Amalekites. At one point Pastor Adeboye even became Muhammadu Buhari’s spokesman on Covid-19; insisting that people should look around them and not through his prophetic utterances, to believe that the pandemic is real; while such a noble man of God as Bishop David Oyedepo openly refused to receive Covid-19 vaccination believing it to be spurious, which it eventually turned out to be. As Pastor Enoch Adeboye put it in his bid to compel members of his Church to get vaccinated: “Where the word of the President is, there is power.” To him it was no longer where the word of God is, there is power.
In August 2017 Pastor Adeboye was ahead of known APC members to visit Muhammadu Buhari, who was then under medical attention in London since May 7, 2017; before he eventually passed out. And this is where God will soon expose the evil intentions of Pastor Adeboye to the body of Christ in Nigeria. Pastor Enoch cannot stand up boldly before Nigerians to say that real Muhammadu Buhari did not died the same year he visited him in the United Kingdom.
Pastor Adeboye cannot deny that he was instrumental to Prof Yemi Osinbajo’s forced acceptance of the perpetual position of Vice President after the death of Muhammadu Buhari and subsequent imposition of three different impostor-Presidents of Nigeria under pressure from Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Using his leverage as the spiritual father to Yemi Osinbajo but working clandestinely for Bola Ahmed Tinubu, with whom he belongs to the same occult society, Pastor Adeboye threatened to denounce Yemi Osinbajo and lay a curse on him if he insist on becoming President after Buhari’s death. He admonished him to wait till the Fulani had finished serving their 8-years term, after which he would encourage him to contest; otherwise he might not guarantee his safety if the military goes after him.
Unfortunately, by the time Osinbajo realized that he had been scammed by Pastor Adeboye, it was already too late. The problem then became how would you tell the people that it was indeed the king that raped your wife? If Pastor Enoch Adeboye knows that he is truly a chosen man of God and not an occult scammer, let him stand out and swear by the Holy Spirit that the man who handed over the Presidency to Bola Ahmed Tinubu is indeed the real Muhammadu Buhari to his knowledge. This is not a matter of telling his credulous congregation to pray for his death if he prays to demons. God will not spare him if he ever denies that Muhammadu Buhari did not die in 2017.
Pastor Enoch Adeboye is aware that President Muhammadu Buhari his friend died in 2017. He is aware that it was from that moment that Nigeria became politically rudderless with the subsequent downturn of the country’s economy. Instead of facing the reality of the fact as a true man of God, on October 1, 2022, all he could deliver as his independence message was to admonish those Nigerians criticizing Muhammadu Buhari to instead pray for him. Pray for a man who was already dead, or an impostor whom he knows very well? God couldn’t have answered such prayer.
The Holy Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 pungently states:
Pastor Adeboye right from the time of Muhammadu Buhari to the present Belial Government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu has proved that the above Biblical injunction does not apply to him as a General Overseer; rather what propels his spirit is the quest for money which is in full contradiction of the principles of the office of an overseer.
In July 2022, Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the company of his wife Oluremi Tinubu who claims to be an ordained Pastor of Pastor Adeboye’s Church secretly met with Pastor Adeboye for his endorsement and subsequent blessing of the Muslim-Muslim Presidential candidacy. It was agreed during the meeting that Pastor Adeboye should not join other Pastors and Christians to criticize the Muslim-Muslim ticked but rather should use his privileged influence to reach out to other Yoruba Pastors to accept the devious anti-Christian political arrangement.
Indeed this was the position he succeeded in imposing on Bishop David Oyedepo during their meeting penultimate the 2023 Presidential election, and this explains why Pastor Adeboye never condemned the Muslim-Muslim Presidential ticket. Although Pastor Adeboye attempted to deny such meeting through a statement by his Church, but the flimsy reasons adduced by the statement clearly betrayed him.
The statement reads inter alia:
“It has come to our notice that some news outlets are reporting that a meeting Between Pastor E.A. Adeboye: The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Worldwide and the former Governor of Lagos State Mr Bola Ahmed Tinubu was held few days back at the Redemption Camp where our esteemed father in the Lord was said to have supported the preferred candidature of the Party the Former Governor is a member of. This is to inform the general public that 1) Pastor E.A. Adeboye is under the authority of God, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), and as such will not speak on behalf of Christians on issues regarding policies. 2) Pastor E.A. Adeboye and the RCCG have not and will not endorse any candidate for the 2023 General elections in Nigeria. 3) The news reported by Daily Post is false. Daily Post and other News Outlets should desist from spreading false information about Pastor E.A. Adeboye and the RCCG as it defeats the code and ethics of Journalism and the full weight of the law will be employed if such happens in future. God bless you.”
Is it not a debasing irony that the same Pastor Adeboye christened Bola Ahmed Tinubu “Abraham” in confirmation of his support for the latter’s political ambition? The same Pastor Adeboye instructed his congregation to vote for Bola Ahmed Tinubu because he is married to Oluremi Tinubu who professes to be a Pastor in Pastor Adeboye’s Church? Unfortunately, many ignorant Christians are led to erroneously believe that a Muslim’s marriage to a Christian woman will either change a bit of his hatred for Christianity, or grant an equal space of political rights and privileges to Christians through him.
The renowned historian Edward Gibbon, writing on the rise and fall of Constantinople informed us that the mother of the conqueror and destroyer of the ancient Capital of Eastern Roman Empire Constantinople in 1453 AD, Mahomet II, was a devout Christian who was decorated with numerous Christian titles; yet that did not in any way stop her son from growing up as a mortal enemy to the Church of Christ. For the Muslims, what matters most in their matrimonial relationship with non-Muslims is the injunction restraining their daughters from marrying non-believers, and not the vice versa. For instance, in spite of his exposure and political alliances with Christians, and in spite of having two Christian women as wives, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku ostracized his eldest daughter for over ten years for marrying a Christian Pastor.
The Holy Quran in Sura 5, verse 5 in the following words encourages their men to marry Christian women:
“Lawful to you are the free believing woman and the free women from among those who were given the Book before you, provided that you give them their dowries and live in honour with them, neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.”
The same Holy Quran in verse 51 of Sura 5 enjoins every Muslim to treat Christians and Jews as enemies:
“Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends and protectors. They are friends and protectors of one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship and supports them shall become one of their number.”
In Sura 9 verse 29, the Holy Quran explicitly commanded Muslims to fight Christians and Jews:
“Fight against such of the people who despite having been given the scripture do not (really) believe in Allah and the last Day, who do not hold unlawful what Allah and his Messenger have declared to be unlawful. And do not subscribe to the true faith, until they pay the jizyah (Special unbelievers tax), provided they can afford it, and are content with their state of subjugation (having become incorporated into Islamic government).”
It is therefore instructive for Christians to note that the ongoing killings and kidnapping of Christians by Muslim Fulani herdsmen. Bandits, Boko Haram and IWAP are not isolated instances of economically-driven insurgences but well ideologically coordinated and spiritually-driven political scheme acting on the direct injunction of the Holy Quran. Pastor Enoch Adeboye with his many years of evangelism and knowledge of the conflicting relationship between Christianity and Islam cannot feign ignorance of this fact. Yet he is the one spearheading the conquest of Christianity in Nigeria by Islam with one hand, and with the other pretending to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This explains why the current state of Muslim President with Muslim Vice President does not bother him but the money he receives from Muslim jihadists working tirelessly to extinguish Christianity from the map of Nigeria.
According to Raymond Ibrahim:
“‘Common sense’ or ‘universal opinion’ has little to do with Islam’s notions of right and wrong. Only what Allah (through the Quran) and his prophet Muhammad (through the Hadith) have to say about any given issue matters; and how Islam’s greatest theologians and jurists – collectively known as the ulema, literally, “they who know” – have articulated it.”
This explains why lies and deception are accepted principles of relationship between a Muslim amd a non-Muslim. This is the core principle of what is called Taqiyya (Deception). A Muslim is permitted to lie against a Christian in order to kill him, cheat him in business or convince him to vote or support him for his political ambition. In Islam therefore, lies are permitted as honorable acts against unbelievers, particularly Christians and Jews under the doctrine of Taqiyya which is scripturally supported in Sura 3:28 and Sura 16:106 of the Holy Quran.
However, the original root of the Taqiyya is traced to Sahih al-Bukhari— the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad as compiled by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari, in which Prophet Muhammad permitted one of his companions named Ibn Maslama, to lie and deceive a Jew named Ka’b ibn Ashraf in order to kill him for insulting him. Ibn Maslama subsequently pretended to befriend Ka’b ibn Ashraf, claiming to hate Prophet Muhammad and in the process succeeded in killing him as commanded by Prophet Muhammad.
This is what Nigerian Christians are confronted with today. After using Islam to rig himself into power, the same Tinubu is now using ethnicity to mobilize the Yoruba, and sectionalism to deceive the Southern Christians into supporting him. Meanwhile while he was using Muslim-Muslim Presidential ticket to promote his audacious Islamization project and castigating the belongingness of the vast Christian population of the country, including Yoruba Christians, he appeared not to have considered this angle of support. This is Taqiyya for you.
The problem however is not whether Pastor Enoch Adeboye is knowingly or unknowingly a victim of Taqiyya, but the fact that he has been inducted into its symptomatic religious application against the Christian faithful in line with the dictates of his Muslim political patrons. Looking at his pro-Muhammadu Buhari and pro-Bola Ahmed utterances and deeds since 2015, no one will deny their inherent Taqiyya characteristics. This is equally evident in his succeeding pronouncements on 2023 Presidential election which were mostly based on watery and elusive prophesy. If Pastor Enoch Adeboye had played the Prophet Hushai, then there wouldn’t have been any spiritual interrogation over his association with Presidents Muhammadu Buhari and Bola Ahmed Tinubu; but instead he chose to place the Counsel of Ahithophel against the body of Christ in Nigeria.
Writing for the popular online Christian magazine Christianity Today, with the title “Et Tu, Ahithophel?”, Pastor Samson Uytanlet of the Philippines stated ipso facto:
“As a pastor in the Philippines, I have encountered several modern-day Ahithophels in ministry. On the one hand, they may offer biblical, ethical advice that helps the church to grow spiritually. On the other hand, they may pursue hidden agendas and perpetuate disorder and dysfunction within a congregation. These damaging effects to the church are exacerbated when people constantly defer to their wishes and desires. Consequently, pastors and church leaders may make decisions not because they are the best course of action to undertake but because they are what a particular person of influence wants. Some of the Ahithophels in our churches today may be influential because they are major donors. Others may have such a likable and charismatic personality that everyone is drawn to listen to their counsel, even if they may not have the wisest opinion or an accurate diagnosis of the problem.”
Nigerians should have wondered why Pastor Enoch Adeboye did not open his mouth to condemn what amounted to a civilian coup in the last Presidential election through the fraudulent electoral roles of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and the Judiciary. Nigerians should have wondered why Pastor Adeboye claimed that God did not reveal to him the outcome of 2023 Presidential election but instead chose to reveal other events, which subsequently we have noted to be false. The reason is obvious.
This reason is profoundly founded on his discreet occult relationship with Bola Ahmed Tinubu; one that forbade them from weeping when their eldest sons respectively died mysteriously. This occult relationship which further forbids every Pastor of Redeemed Christian Church of God from wearing beards profoundly overrides his ordained commitment to moral justice and role as an Overseer of the Church of Christ. May be Pastor Enoch Adeboye should deny this fact by explaining to Nigerians the Biblical basis for forbidding his Pastors from wearing beards naturally gifted by Almighty God.
During his December 31, 2022 “Crossover Night” when Nigerians had expected God to speak to them through Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s prophecy, we saw a different Pastor Enoch Adeboye prophesying his fears of being arrested if he prophesied the outcome of the 2023 Presidential election, because of Ghanaian Government’s threat to arrest Pastors who would prophesy on the coming Presidential election. In his words, “Ghana is not far from Nigeria.” Yet the same Pastor Enoch Adeboye on January 7, 2023, told members of his Redeemed Christian Church of God to get your PVCs ready and wait for his instructions on whom to vote for. Nigerians are still waiting to know the Presidential candidate Pastor Enoch Adeboye eventually commanded members of his Church to vote for. Or is Redeemed Christian Church of God a secret cult?
What Pastor Enoch Adeboye was telling Nigerians was, as Pastor Samson Uytanlet of the Philippines rightly stated, that: “pastors and church leaders may make decisions not because they are the best course of action to undertake but because they are what a particular person of influence wants.” In the case of Pastor Enoch Adeboye therefore, his principle of moral judgment regarding the right Presidential candidate who would provide inspiring and godly leadership to Nigeria was not predicated on the word of God, but dictated by his self-aggrandizement.
Here is the summary of Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s so-called prophetic revelations for the just past year 2023 during the December 31, 2022 Crossover service, as reported in Vanguard issue of January 2, 2023 by Biodun Busari:
“The weather will be more erratic and will now be very nice in some places but we are trusting God it will be nice wherever we are. God also says the world this year will be relatively more peaceful. The biggest challenge of 2022 will lead to your biggest testimony in 2023. In 2023, the Lord will speak peace to some troubled homes. In 2023, for quite a few people, there would be restoration of lost glories. Many trouble makers will lose the ability to make trouble this year. Few balloons will be deflated this year. There will be a bit of wealth transfer. Generally, 2023 is a year of many opportunities.”
Today as I am writing, it is exactly 5:09 am, March 23, 2024, Philippines time, and it is left to Nigerians to judge from what has transpired so far in the governance of Nigeria since May 29, 2023 when Bola Ahmed Tinubu took over power as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which of the above prophesies of Pastor Enoch Adeboye has come to pass.
On May 9, 2023, Pastor Enoch Adeboye spoke through his Special Assistant, Pastor Dele Balogun commanding Nigerians to pray for Bola Ahmed Tinubu will fix Nigeria. In his words:
“Let us pray for the incoming government that God will support it and give it the Grace to do the right thing. Thank God the president-elect has promised to fix Nigeria. If God helps him, Nigeria will prosper in his hands.”
I don’t know about the Muslim God. But the God of the Christians; the God of the Jews; and the God of our Ancestors, which are one and the same, will never accept any prayer made for the success of a leadership founded on fraudulent election victory, unapologetic criminality, and the blood of innocent Christians. May be, we might borrow a leaf from the recent response by Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz to the recent curse laid on the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when he disparagingly pronounced: “I am leaving the person called Netanyahu in the Lord’s hands. May the Lord damn him.” In his clear-cut response, Israel Katz stated: “There is no God who will listen to those who support the atrocities and crimes against humanity committed by your barbaric Hamas friends. Be quiet and shame on you.”
Any prayer thereof emanating from Pastor Enoch Adeboye, his privies, or any Nigerian Christian for the success of Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration is considered a reproach unto the Lord. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians Chapter 6, verses 7-8 clearly states: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
The fundamental question to Pastor Enoch Adeboye regarding those praying for Tinubu’s success is was his election the handiwork of the Spirit of God? Of course Pastor Enoch Adeboye cannot boldly answer this question, being himself an accomplice. Was Pastor Adeboye not aware that the same Bola Ahmed Tinubu mobilized fake Christian Bishops and Overseers like him during the presentation of his Muslim Vice Presidential candidate Alhaji Shettima in ridicule to the noble image of the Christian Church in Nigeria? How far has Pastor Adeboye reacted to the ongoing putrid corruption extravaganza not inundating the current administration? John 8: 32 explicitly states: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” How can God set Nigeria free from her present hellish predicament if people like Pastor Enoch Adeboye refuse to say the truth about the last fraudulent Presidential election, and the current state of high degree corruption under Bola Ahmed Tinubu?
The chastisement of the Right Hand of God, the Hand of Ikenga, the Igbo call it, is definitely no doubt upon Nigeria; and unless Nigerians rise up, if not in a spontaneous revolutionary manner, but through a corrective military intervention to change the situation, the Mighty Man of Judah will continue to put more confusions in the already confused mindsets of those who rule by robbing the innocent masses. Of course Pastor Enoch Adeboye is aware of this position of the God Almighty, hence on February 11, 2024, while visiting the Governor of Kaduna State Alhaji Uba Sani, he confessed in the most debilitating awkward manner that only revealed the spiritual helplessness of a man who once presented himself as the epitome of God’s oracle. In his words:
“I have come again this time around because it has become more and more clearer to us that the problem our nation is facing is more than political. Our problems will require a bit of spiritual solution. We as a country are blessed; we are blessed with people with great intelligence, we are blessed with all manners of resources and yet we have so many problems. And it is not as if people in authority are not trying their best; they are doing as much as humanly possible. Then we found out that when you have problems that are beyond human ability to solve, you call on the Almighty. The reason we call Him Almighty is because He has the power to solve all problems.”
Yes! As Pastor Enoch Adeboye rightly confessed, “it has become more and more clearer to us that the problem our nation is facing is more than political.” But one fact he failed to acknowledge is that he is one of the major causes of this problem in Nigeria, an unholy accomplice personified; and until he boldly comes out to confess his sins before the oppressed Christians of the Nigerian nation, and by extension Nigeria as a nation, his prayers will remain obstacles, rather than key to divine solutions.
I state this believing that at the age of 82 years, Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s actions as a man of God should tilt more towards his realization that sooner or later he will stand before the Lord to give account of his sojourn on this mother-earth, than his continuous struggles for worldly and vainglorious possessions at the expense of Nigerian Christians, who are currently besieged by deceptive Muslim political leaders with their murderous army of jihadists.
I conclude respectfully, as the Book of Isaiah 41:10 enjoins me to: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” The same “Hand of Ikenga” again!
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